How do I transition my Perusall course from an LTI 1.1 integration to LTI 1.3?

  • Updated

This article is intended for users that have a course already built out with the LTI 1.1 integration, and want to switch to 1.3 (after being installed by your LMS administrator).

Step 1: Add Perusall LTI 1.3 to your course

  • In BlackboardLearn Content Area, go to Tools > Perusall.

    In Blackboard Ultra Content Area, click + Add content > Content Market. Locate Perusall 1.3, and click on the + to add it the course content area.
  • In Canvas, go to Settings > Navigation, and enable Perusall 1.3.
  • In D2L, go to a content area > Existing Activities > External Learning Tools, and select Perusall. (Verify that this is set to open as an external resource.)
  • In Moodle, enter edit mode, select Add an activity or resource > Perusall 1.3 > Select content, and under the words "Home Page," click Link to home page.
  • In Sakai, navigate to Site info > Manage Tools, and scroll down to External tools.  Select Perusall, click finish, and Perusall will appear in your left navigation.

After saving, launching this link will create a blank brand new course.

Step 2: Copy content from LTI 1.1 Perusall course into LTI 1.3 Perusall course

In the onboarding page of the new blank Perusall course, you can copy course content in Get Started > Step 1: Welcome.

Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 10.17.29 AM.png

  • Choose copy existing course, and select the LTI 1.1 version of the Perusall course from the drop down menu. Then, select which content/assignments to copy, and scroll down to:
    • Adjust assignment deadlines
    • Copy instructor comments
    • Copy rubrics
    • Copy scoring templates
    • Copy course settings

Learn more about copying courses.

lightbulb-regular (1).svg New LTI 1.3 Feature: LMS Gradebook Column Management

By default, Perusall will send gradebook columns for each assignment to your LMS gradebook, so you do not need to create assignment-specific links (called deep links) in your LMS course.  Instead, you and your students can navigate to your Perusall course through the basic launch link (from Step 1), and each individual grade can sync to your LMS as the students complete the assignments.  

In Get Started > Step 5: Basic Settings, you'll have the opportunity to determine whether you want to allow Perusall to automatically create your gradebook columns, or if you'd rather manually create deep links with gradebook columns.

If you've already completed the Get Started steps, you can also update this by navigating to your course Settings > Scoring > LMS grade sync > LMS gradebook column management, select 'Instructor creates deep links', and Save. 

Step 3: Create new assignment links for each assignment

Here, we are returning to your LMS course to taking existing LTI 1.1 links, and relinking them to point to the right place in the LTI 1.3 integration.

  • In BlackboardLearn, go to Build Content > Perusall Deep link, and select the corresponding Perusall assignment. 
    If you course settings allow Perusall to automatically create gradebook columns, disable Import Grading Information in the Perusall deep linking window to avoid duplicate gradebook columns being created, and then click Link to this assignment.

    Screenshot of Deep Link window indicating import grading information)
  • In BlackboardUltra, click + Add content > Content Market, and click on the Perusall link without a "+".
    If you course settings allow Perusall to automatically create gradebook columns, disable Import Grading Information in the Perusall deep linking window to avoid duplicate gradebook columns being created, and then click Link to this assignment.

    Screenshot of Deep Link window indicating import grading information)
  • In Canvas, you can manually delete all of the Perusall assignments from your LTI 1.1 version of your course, and allow Perusall to automatically recreate the assignment links and gradebook columns. 

    If you'd prefer to update the existing links, follow these steps.
    1. In your Perusall course, navigate to Settings > Scoring > LMS grade sync > LMS gradebook column management, and set it to Instructor creates deep links.
    2. Enable the pop-up in the red box to delete gradebook columns in the LMS, and Save Changes.
    3. Then, in Canvas, repeat this step for each Perusall assignment link:

      Click Edit assignment settings, and navigate to Submission Type: External Tool, click Find, and select the corresponding Perusall assignment.
  • In your D2L content area, go to Existing Activities and scroll down to Perusall Deep link, and select the corresponding Perusall assignment.
    If you course settings allow Perusall to automatically create gradebook columns, disable Import Grading Information in the Perusall deep linking window to avoid duplicate gradebook columns being created, and then click Link to this assignment.

    Screenshot of Deep Link window indicating import grading information)
  • In Moodle, click Edit settings on each assignment, change the Preconfigure Tool to Perusall 1.3, click select content, and select the corresponding Perusall assignment.
    If you course settings allow Perusall to automatically create gradebook columns, disable Import Grading Information in the Perusall deep linking window to avoid duplicate gradebook columns being created, and then click Link to this assignment.

    Screenshot of Deep Link window indicating import grading information)
  • Learn about Sakai integration features.

After relinking each assignment, launch it to test that it opens directly into the Perusall reading.

Step 4: Remove remaining 1.1 links from your course (if any)

This step mainly applies to Blackboard and D2L users.  Since those platforms don't allow you to relink your existing assignments, locate and remove the Legacy LTI 1.1 links.  If the external URL for the assignment link in your LMS leads to the following URL, it can be removed:

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