Sakai Integration Features

  • Updated

Roster Sync

Each time you launch Perusall from Sakai, a roster sync is run in the background.  Any students that have added to your LMS course will be added to your Perusall course roster (under the Students tab), and any that have unenrolled will be removed from the course.

Grade Sync

If you'd like to sync scores from Perusall to your Sakai course, in your Perusall course, navigate to Settings > Scoring > LMS grade sync.  Learn more about Grade sync in LTI 1.3.

  • A student’s average score is each individual assignment score summed and then divided by the total number of assignments, while the total score simply takes the sum of across all assignments.

    Syncing the average or total score rather than individual assignment scores saves time because  Perusall will automatically create a grade book column in your LMS course that matches the summary column in your Perusall course, and send the scores for all assignments that have been released and are passed their due date.  To set up average or total grade sync:

    • Launch into your Perusall course > Click Settings > Scoring > scroll to Grade sync to LMS > select Automatically sync students' average or total scores back to the LMS > save.

    Students will click the Perusall link you created in Sakai Instructor Set Up, and Perusall will pass their average or total scores back to Sakai as you release assignment scores in Perusall.

  • Our LTI 1.3 integration gives instructors the opportunity to manage how gradebook columns in your LMS are created. Instructors can allow Perusall to automatically create LMS gradebook columns for each Perusall assignment, or they can manually create deep links to individual assignments in the LMS.  Released scores can then be sent back to your LMS.

    • If you select to sync students’ individual assignment scores, by default, each time you create an assignment in your Perusall course, a corresponding grade item will automatically be created in your LMS gradebook.  As a result, student scores that have been released in the Perusall gradebook will automatically sync (unless using manual sync). Follow the step below to set this up:

      • Launch into your Perusall course: Click Settings > Scoring > LMS grade sync:
        • Set Grade sync to LMS to Automatically sync individual assignments scores back to the LMS
        • Set LMS gradebook column management to Perusall creates gradebook columns in LMS for each Perusall assignment automatically.
        • Click Save.

      Students will click the Perusall link you created in Sakai Instructor Set Up, and Perusall will pass their individual assignment scores back to Sakai as you release assignment scores in Perusall.

    • If you would like to create deep links to each individual assignment, Perusall will not automatically create the gradebook columns. Follow the steps below to set up deep links:

      • Launch into your Perusall course: Click Settings > Scoring > LMS grade sync:
        • Set Grade sync to LMS to Automatically sync individual assignments scores back to the LMS
        • Set LMS gradebook column management to Instructor creates deep links in LMS; no Perusall gradebook columns will appear in LMS until deep links have been created.
        • Click Save.
      • Return to your Sakai course, and you can create deep links.

Creating Deep Links in your Sakai Course

Instructors can build deep links in Sakai Lessons or Assignments.  Click on the toggles below to learn more.

    1. Create your assignments in Perusall first.
    2. In your Sakai course, navigate to Lessons > Add Content > Add Learning App > Launch External Tool Configuration.
    3. In the next screen, select Perusall. A window will pop up that will allow you to select a Perusall assignment to link.
      1. Under Assignments, click on the dropdown to select an assignment.
      2. Ensure that Import grading information to LMS is enabled, and click Link to this assignment.
    4. Finally, open the assignment, and it will take you directly into the assignment.

      1. Create your assignments in Perusall first.
      2. In your Sakai course, navigate to Assignments > Add.
      3. Within the Assignment, you can skip the title, but you must insert Instructions in order to create the assignment.  If your instructions for the assignment are already in Perusall, you can copy and paste them here, or simply say "Instructions in Perusall."

        • Scroll all the way down to Submission Type, and select External Tool (LTI).

          • Click Select External Tool (LTI), click on Perusall, and a window will pop up that will allow you to select a Perusall assignment to link.
        • Under Assignments, click on the dropdown to select an assignment.

        • Ensure that Import grading information to LMS is enabled, and click Link to this assignment.

        • Enable Load this tool in a new tab.

        • Allow unlimited resubmission.

        • Enable Grade this assignment.

          • Create new Gradebook item.
          • Grade scale: Points.

          • Max Points: We recommend using the higher number from your Perusall course's Assignment Score Range (found under Settings > Scoring > General > Assignment Score Range).

          • Enable Send released grades to the Gradebook.
        • Post.
      4. Finally, open the assignment, and it will take you directly into the assignment.

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