In Blackboard Learn
- To set up your Perusall course, in your Blackboard course click Tools in the left navigation bar and select Perusall. From your Perusall course, you can select/upload content and create assignments. *If you don't see Perusall in Tools, it's possible that your IT admin has removed access there. You can Launch Perusall by going to Build Content > Perusall, and you'll be prompted to build your course, there.
- Optionally, you can create "deep links" to specific Perusall assignments. (See Assignment-Specific (Deep links) Creation in our knowledge base.) To do this, navigate to a content area, select Build Content > Perusall Deep Link, and then you will be presented with a list of your Perusall assignments. Click on one of them to add it to that content area of your Blackboard course.
In Blackboard Ultra
- To set up your Perusall course, in your Course Content area, click the + (Add content) > Content Market > find Perusall, and click on the + to add it the course content area. From your Perusall course, you can select/upload content and create assignments.
- Optionally, you can create "deep links" to specific Perusall assignments. (See Assignment-Specific (Deep links) Creation in our knowledge base.)
- To do this, navigate to a content area, click the + (Add content) > Content Market > find second Perusall link, and click on it. Then, you will be presented with a list of your Perusall assignments. Click on one of them to add it to that content area of your Blackboard course.