How do I use scoring templates?

  • Updated

Perusall's automatic scoring templates allow you to create reusable scoring criteria for different Assignment types that you can quickly choose from when creating your assignments. You can design, re-use, duplicate, or edit scoring presets in one space. This allows you to

  • Clearly name templates for quick reference
  • Determine which templates are associated with which assignments
  • Create new scoring templates when creating an assignment
  • Choose from existing templates when building similar assignment types

If you're a longtime Peruser, you might notice this scoring page looks different! Read below to learn about how we've broadened scoring options to make your experience with Perusall more dynamic and customizable.

Creating new templates

When you create an assignment, you can create a new template under Scoring by selecting Create new scoring template, and filling in the available fields.  You can also create a new template by navigating to Settings > Scoring > Automatic Scoring, clicking + Create a new scoring template, and select the assignment type.

Assignment types

Automatic scoring is categorized into four sections, based on Assignment type.  As an instructor, you can modify each scoring component's weight and details as you see fit, remembering that they must add up to at least 100% (Full credit).  If you prefer that a particular scoring component not count towards a student's score at all, set the weight to 0%."

  • When you select Standard or differentiated assignment, you'll be able to specify custom details for the following components:

    Standard or differentiated scoring.png
    • Comment content gives credit for creating a number of high-quality comments within the assignment.  Click Options to specify the number of comments required, determine how to award credit for comments, and allow deadline extensions, like late comment period and post deadline reply window.
    • Opening assignment gives credit for breaking up the work into multiple sittings.  Click Options to establish how many times students must open the assignment to receive full credit for this metric.
    • Reading, watching, or listening to the end gives credit for reading through the entire document, watching the entire video, or listening to the whole podcast that was assigned.
    • Active engagement time gives credit for the time that students spending actively engaging with the assigned content, including clicking, scrolling, typing, etc.  Click Options to establish how many minutes students should be active.
    • Getting responses gives credit to students who create initial comments (by highlighting the document) that elicit replies from other users.  Click Options to set the number of initial comments student must post that elicit responses from their classmates.
    • Upvoting gives credit for writing comments that are upvoted by others, and upvoting other students' comments.  Click Options to set the number of upvotes students must give or receive.
    • Quizzes gives credit for responding to quiz questions as part of an assignment.

    Learn more about standard or differentiated assignment scoring.

  • When you select Peer review assignment, you'll be able to specify custom details for the following components:Peer review or fishbowl assignment.png

    • Submission gives students credit for uploading their document on time.
    • Submitting in-text comments gives reviewers credit for providing in-text comments by highlighting the document(s) they've been assigned to review.  Click Options to specify the number of high-quality comments reviewers need to create, along with other comment details.
    • Submitting rubric gives reviewers credit for submitting their rubric scores.
    • Rubric scores received gives authors credit based on the average rubric scores received. 
    • Authors responding to in-text comments gives authors credit for replying to the in-text comments provided by reviewers/instructors.  Click Options to specify the number of high-quality comment replies authors need to submit.

    Learn more about Peer review assignment scoring.

  • When you select Fishbowl assignment, you'll be able to specify custom details for the following components:

    Fishbowl review scoring template.gif

    The following Scoring components for authors must add up to at least 100%:

    • Submission gives students credit for uploading their document on time.
    • Rubric scores received gives authors credit based on the average rubric scores received. 
    • Authors responding to in-text comments gives authors credit for replying to the in-text comments provided by reviewers/instructors.  Click Options to specify the number of high-quality comment replies authors need to submit.

    The following Scoring components for reviewers must add up to at least 100%:

    • Submitting in-text comments gives reviewers credit for providing in-text comments by highlighting the document(s) they've been assigned to review.  Click Options to specify the number of high-quality comments reviewers need to create, along with other comment details.
    • Submitting rubric gives reviewers credit for submitting their rubric scores.

    Learn more about Fishbowl review assignment scoring.

  • When you select Instructor review assignment, you'll be able to specify custom details for the following components:Instructor review assignment.png

    • Submission gives students credit for uploading their document on time.
    • Instructor score gives authors credit based on the rubric scores received. 
    • Responding to instructor reviews gives authors credit for replying to the in-text comments provided by instructors.  Click Options to specify the number of high-quality comment replies authors need to submit.

    Learn more about Instructor review assignment scoring.

Using templates in your assignments

Selecting a scoring template.gif

When you create an assignment, specify the Scoring template for this assignment by selecting from the dropdown.  Choose from your available list of templates, or select create new scoring template. 


New scoring templates will be added to your list of available scoring templates under Settings > Scoring > Automatic scoring, and can be applied to other assignments within the same assignment type.

Managing scoring templates

To manage your scoring templates, navigate to Settings > Scoring > Automatic Scoring.  There, you will see all of your scoring templates, listed by Scoring template name, Assignment types, and Used by assignments. 

If you haven't built any assignments, you will see the default scoring templates without any associated assignments in the Used by assignments section.

Click on a template's Actions button to EditDuplicate, or Delete the selected template.

  • To edit a scoring template, navigate to Actions > Edit.  Adjust the scoring information, and click OK to save changes. 

    Any changes made will immediately recalculate all assignments using this scoring template.

  • If you'd like to copy an existing template, click Actions > Duplicate.  A new version of the template will populate in the list under the title, "Copy of [original template title]," and you may edit it as desired. 
  • Scoring templates actively in use by assignments cannot be deleted.  In order to delete a scoring template that is in use, click on the hyperlinked assignment title, and edit the assignment(s), and change the Scoring template for this assignment.

    If you restore an assignment using a deleted scoring template, the template will be restored.


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