How do I create a peer review assignment?

  • Updated

Peer review assignments allow students to both submit and review each others' work. Similar to Perusall's other Review-Based Assignments, Peer reviews are structured with a series of cascading deadlines. The assignment setup is as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Assignments tab, select Add Assignment, and choose the Peer review icon.svg Peer review assignment option.
  2. Under Basics, name the assignment and set the deadlines for each stage in chronological order.
    • Follow these steps if you'd like to allow students to submit their work to be reviewed after the initial Student work submission deadline.
      • Enter a Late submission deadline to allow students to upload work for partial credit by this deadline.  This time will occur immediately after the Student work submission deadline.  As a result, those students will have less time during the Review of submissions stage.
      • Enter a Late submission penalty, a percentage penalty for submitting work late (0-100).
    • Select Omit instructor review period if you do not want to moderate or review scores & comments before they are shown to the authors.
  3. Under Rubric, select a Rubric for evaluation of submissions by either using a pre-made rubric, create a new rubric, or choose Qualitative feedback only (no rubric). 
    • Enable Do not ask reviewers to provide overall feedback if you don’t want to require students to submit Overall feedback. Students will still be required to submit in-text comments.
    •  Learn more about customizing your rubrics.
  4. Under Options, specify assignment details, such as:
    • Instructions for students.
    • The date the assignment is visible to students.
    • Who is partaking in the assignment.
    • Anonymous posting.
  5. Under Scoring, select your Scoring template for this assignment from the dropdown, or create a custom one. 

To learn more about Review-Based Assignments and Analytics, visit these two articles:


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