Grades are recomputed for an assignment in real time as students submit and update their work. If grading is enabled, you can view grades by clicking the Gradebook button in the left panel, or by clicking on the grade assignment button.
Releasing scores
Students do not see their grades for an assignment until you release the grades to them. Navigate to your Gradebook, and click the Release grades button under each assignment when ready for students to see the grades for that assignment.
Once grades have been released to students, students can review their scores by clicking My Scores in the left panel.
If you have enabled gradebook syncing with your LMS, grades for a particular will not be sent to the LMS until you release them.
If Perusall recomputes students' grades after you release them (i.e., because you release them before the assignment is complete), then you will again be prompted to release them if further work by students causes the grades to change.
Alternatively, you can automatically release grades to students by setting the corresponding setting under Settings > Scoring > Release scores to students.
Average or Total Score
When reviewing scores in your gradebook, you can see a summary column including either the Average or Total Score (cumulative) per student across all assignments. The gradebook summary column view that you choose will populate in the Perusall course gradebook from assignments that have had their scores released to students, and have passed their submission deadline.
To choose your Gradebook summary column view, navigate to Settings > Scoring > General: