Moodle LTI 1.1

  • Updated

We have a new Perusall integration method available (it is called LTI 1.3). Benefits include: roster sync, seamless grade pass back, and no need for the Key & Secret! Learn more about the difference between the integrations.

For this setup process, your IT Administrator is required to do the installation. If your IT administrator chooses to proceed, they can view our set up guide here Moodle Admin Setup

Click the image below to watch tutorial video (2:17 runtime).


Step 1: Request Key & Secret

To connect Perusall to Moodle, contact to obtain the institution’s Consumer Key & Shared Secret. Please email in from your official university email address using the subject line “Key and Secret Request.” For security verification purposes, please provide a link to an institutional web page that shows your name, email address, and title/affiliation.

Step 2: Install Perusall

  • In Moodle, click: Site administration > Plugins > Scroll down to External tool > Manage tools > configure a tool manually.
  • Enter Perusall in the tool name field.
  • Enter in the tool URL field.
  • Enter The Perusall social learning platform in the tool description field.
  • Choose LTI 1.0/1.1 from the LTI Version dropdown menu.
  • Enter your institution’s Consumer Key and Shared Secret.
  • Choose show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool from the tool configuration usage dropdown menu.
  • Choose New window from the Default launch container dropdown menu.
  • In the Privacy section, select Always for each field (Share launcher’s name with tool, Share launcher’s email with tool, and Accept grades from the tool).
  •  Check the box next to Force SSL and save.

Step 3: Create your Perusall Course

  • Enter your Moodle course, enable editing, click + Add an activity or resource, and select Perusall.
  • Enter Perusall in the Activity name field.
  • Click Grade and select none.
  • Click Save and display.
  • Click open in a new window to launch Perusall and create your Perusall course.

After you've set up your Perusall course, you can create assignment links in Moodle for your students to access your Perusall course content.  When a student clicks on a Perusall link in your Moodle course, a Perusall account will be created and they will automatically be enrolled in your course.

Grade Sync to your Moodle Course 

You can sync students' average or total assignment scores OR students’ individual assignment scores back to Moodle.  Click on the toggles below to learn more.

  • A student’s average score is each individual assignment score summed and then divided by the total number of assignments, while the total score simply takes the sum of across all assignments.

    Syncing the average or total score rather than individual assignment scores saves time because an instructor will only need to create one Perusall link in a Moodle content area (or module) rather than an assignment link for each assignment. Students will access Perusall through this link.

    • Launch into your Perusall course> Click Settings > Scoring > scroll to Grade sync to LMS > select Automatically sync students' average or total scores back to the LMS > save.
    • Return to your Moodle course, edit the Perusall link from Step 3: Create your Perusall course, click Grade, and set the Maximum grade to the highest possible score a student can earn. 
      • For average grade sync, this can be found under Settings > Scoring > General > Assignment score range.
      • For total points sync, this is the total number of points of all Perusall assignments that students will be completing over the duration of your course.

    Students will click the Perusall link you created to access their Perusall assignments and Perusall will pass their average scores back to Moodle as you release assignment scores in Perusall.

  • To sync students’ individual assignment scores, you will create assignment links in Moodle for every assignment in Perusall.

    • Launch into your Perusall course > Click Settings > Scoring > scroll to Grade sync to LMS > select Automatically sync individual assignments scores back to the LMS > then save.
    • In Perusall, click: Course home > Assignments > select an assignment > Copy full title for LMS. The assignment name will be copied to the clipboard.
    • In Moodle, click Turn editing on > + Add an activity or resource > Perusall
    • Paste the assignment’s title in the Activity name field > Select Perusall > Click Grade and then set the Maximum grade to match the high end of the Assignment score range of your Perusall course.
    • Click Save and display. Test the assignment specific link you just created by clicking Open in a new window. You should launch directly into its corresponding assignment in Perusall. 

    Repeat this process for each Perusall assignment.

    We suggest hiding the generic Perusall link (created in Step 3: Create your Perusall Course) from the students’ view in Moodle so students only use the assignment-specific links, thereby ensuring grade sync works correctly by clicking Edit in the generic Perusall link’s row and then Hide.

In order to successfully sync individual assignment scores, students must access each Perusall assignment by clicking its assignment-specific link in Moodle. If a student does not, then Perusall will not be able to send the student's scores back to Moodle.

See our general LMS troubleshooting page for other common issues.

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