I no longer have access to a book that I purchased

  • Updated

If you purchased perpetual access to materials, you will always have access to them as long as you keep your Perusall account open. If you're having trouble accessing a book you have purchased on Perusall, here are some common reasons and solutions:

The rental period has expired

  • If you originally purchased a short-term rental, you will be prompted to purchase the book again if you try to access the book after the rental period expires. To view your purchases, navigate to your account home page and select Book Icon.svg My purchases.

You signed into a different account

  • In order to ensure you are able to access your purchased materials, make sure you use the same method of signing in consistently -- (e.g., if you originally signed in through Google, continue signing in through Google; if you originally created an account with an email address and password, continue signing in using that email address and password).

Accessing Perusall After Your LMS-Integrated Course Has Ended

If your Perusall account was originally integrated with a Learning Management System (LMS) (e.g. Canvas, Blackboard, desire2learn, Moodle, etc.) and the class has ended, to obtain access to your purchase and account:

  1. Go to Perusall's website login page.
  2. Click 'forgot password'. This will allow you to create a password, login directly at Perusall's website, and view all courses, and or enroll in new courses. You must use the same email address associated with your LMS throughout this process. This will ensure you add a password to your existing account. Our article How do I access my account? provides more information on account creation/access. 
  3. Then, you can either view the material from within the course, or create a book club. 

If you are still having trouble accessing a book you purchased, contact Perusall Support at support@perusall.com.

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