Instructor review assignments allow you to receive direct feedback from your instructor. Your instructor has the ability to evaluate your work submission via rubrics, overall feedback remarks, and in-text comments. Unlike Peer review and Fishbowl review assignments, your classmates are not involved in this process.
Step 1: Submit your work
In the Submission phase, submit your work. You can re-upload documents until the submission deadline has passed. Accepted submission types are: PDFs, word documents, images, or source codes.
This image shows the Upload my submission page, which appears once you open your Instructor review assignment. You will also see the rubric that reviewers will use to evaluate assigned work.
Step 2: Allow your instructor time to review
In the Instructor review stage, you will not be able to open the instructor review assignment. At this time, instructor has the opportunity to enter the assignment and provide feedback via the rubric, overall feedback comment, and in-text comments.
The graphic below below shows what you as a student will see during this stage.
Step 3: View & respond to scores and feedback
During the Author review and response stage, you will see the scores and comments entered by your instructor. Now, you can respond to and continue the conversation with your instructor.
- This image shows your overall feedback and rubric scores, as well as a convenient checklist to help track progress.
- This image shows your view when replying to peer or instructor feedback, which may be an important part of your grade!
Remember to view all conversations and reply to the feedback left by your peers! Toggle to the second image above to see an example of this in action.
Step 4: Check your grade
To see your score, click on the assignment and select My scores, in the left sidebar of the course.
- This image shows you how this stage appears within your assignments tab.
- If you click on your score, you will see a clearer breakdown of your final grade. You will only be graded on aspects relevant to a submitter.
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