How do I complete a peer review assignment?

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Step 1: Submit your work

In the Submission phase, submit your work by uploading a PDF or Word document. You can re-upload documents until the submission deadline has passed (image one). On this page, you will also see the rubric that reviewers will use to evaluate assigned work (image two). 

If you miss the Student work submission deadline, please refer to your instructor's latework policy. It is possible your instructor has enabled a Late submission deadline. If so, pay close attention to deadlines, as the timeframe for Step two (outlined below) will be shortened.

Step 2: Review peer submissions

In the Student review stage, you will review each document you have been assigned by filling out the rubric, providing overall feedback, and also creating in-text comments within the document.   

To receive credit for a comment, students must leave an in-text annotation (similar to highlighting and annotating an article, PDF, or textbook in Perusall). Students will not receive a grade for comments left in the overall feedback section of their Peer Review. This space is intended for students to provide general commentary and/or rationale for their rubric scores. In some cases, your instructor may not require you to fill out a rubric. 

Step 3: Allow your instructor time to review

In the Instructor review  stage, you will not be able to open the peer review assignment. At this time, instructors have the opportunity to enter the assignment and review rubric and comment submissions (image one). Your instructor may chose to exclude this deadline, which removes End of instructor review period from your list of deadlines, and pushes you directly into Step 4 (image two). Images three & four demonstrate what your instructor is able to see during this step.

Step 4: View & respond to scores and feedback

During the Author review and feedback stage, you will see the scores and comments entered by reviewers of your document. Now, you can respond to and continue the conversation with your reviewers and the author of the paper you reviewed. Depending on your instructor's settings, the review may be anonymous (as shown in image one). The second image shows your view when replying to peer or instructor feedback, which may be an important part of your grade!

Remember to view all conversations and reply to the feedback left by your peers! Toggle to the second image above to see an example of this in action. 

Step 5: Check your grade

To see your score, click on the assignment and select Line Chart Solid.svg My scores, in the left sidebar of the course. Image one shows your gradebook at a glance. If you click on your score, you will see a clearer breakdown of your final grade, as shown in image two. 


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