When you adopt a textbook within Perusall, the first time your students access it in the course, they will be prompted to either purchase it directly using a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay, or get instant access and pay later through Affirm or Klarna. Alternatively, they can redeem a Perusall eBook access code obtained through the university bookstore (including as part of an inclusive or equitable access program).
If you prefer to purchase access on behalf of your students, you or your bookstore can purchase access codes in bulk from Perusall by contacting our Operations Team. If you'd like your students to purchase eBook access codes, simply let your bookstore know that you plan to adopt the Perusall version of the book.
To expedite the process, we recommend providing your bookstore with the following information:
- Name, author, edition, and ISBN of the book you plan to use in your course. This information can be found in our catalog.
- Quantity and type of codes requested (e.g., perpetual or rental, if applicable). Refer to our catalog for a list of purchase options available for each title.
FAQ Q: Can my students use a book in Perusall through an outside vendor?
eBooks purchased from vendors other than Perusall will not work on the Perusall platform. Q: Is there a trial period before students are prompted to purchase the book?
If the publisher provides the option to give students 14-day free instant access to this book, it will say this when selecting the book in the library tab. To enable this for students, click Set up now.
Learn more about ordering Perusall access codes
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