When you adopt a textbook within Perusall, the first time your student's access it in the course, they will be prompted to either purchase directly, or redeem a Perusall ebook access code they obtained through the college bookstore.
If you'd like your students to purchase ebook access codes at your bookstore, simply let your bookstore know that you plan to adopt the Perusall version of the book. We recommend giving your bookstore the following information to expedite the process:
- Name, author, edition, and ISBN of the book that you are looking to use in your course. You can find this information in our catalog.
- How many codes are requested of each type (perpetual and rentals, if applicable); see our catalog
- for a listing of which purchase options are available for each title.
Ebooks purchased from vendors other than Perusall will not work on the Perusall platform.
Learn more about ordering Perusall access codes
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