Perusall supports you in whether and how you want to use analytics in your course. You can change your mind at any time.
You'll be able to select from four options, which can be changed later in Settings > General > Scoring & Analytics:
- The default option of Automatic grading and engagement analytics automatically scores all assignments for you based on the criteria you select, and makes analytics about student engagement available to you.
If you choose to leave automatic scoring enabled, you'll be able to set your scoring preferences and rubric in Settings > Scoring > Automatic Scoring.
Perusall allows you to weight various categories of engagement; based on your purpose for using Perusall, you can select and adjust a preset that emphasizes what you consider most important, or build your own.
You can set the weights however you like, and they can add up to more than 100% to give students more than one way to get to full credit.
As most instructors do not want Perusall to be a high-stakes part of the course grade, we suggest keeping the scoring lenient by making the weights add up to well over 100%.
- If you prefer to grade manually but want access to engagement analytics, select Manual grading and engagement analytics.
- If you do not plan to use Perusall for grading at all but still want access to analytics, disable grading entirely by selecting Disable grading, but provide engagement analytics.
- Finally, if you do not want to have any learning analytics available in your course, select Disable all analytics.
Learn more about how to set up automatic scoring in Perusall to match your preferences, or watch this video: