What instructions can I provide to students?

  • Updated

Perusall has a Getting started page for students, which has explicit instructions and tutorial videos.

If you will be integrating Perusall with your LMS, then there is no setup or enrollment required from the student's side -- they just click on links in your LMS to launch into Perusall.

If you will be using Perusall standalone, here are instructions that you can provide to students so they can enroll in your course (your course code is displayed on your course home page in Perusall -- it is of the form YOURNAME-XXXX):

  1. Go to perusall.com, click Login, and then either log in using your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account, or create an account using your email address and password.
  2. Select I am a student and enter the course code ____.
  3. You will be prompted to purchase the book for this course the first time you try to access the book or a reading assignment from the book. You can purchase access online using a credit card.

For more tips to encourage your students, please see the following articles:

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