How to copy and reuse courses on Perusall

  • Updated

If you previously taught a course using Perusall, you can easily migrate your content to a new course, while preserving student work in the old course for archival purposes. If you are interested in copying another instructor's course, ask for their course copy code, and follow the steps below to create your new course with their content. 

Copying a course from your LMS

  1. If you have integrated Perusall with your learning management system, create a new course through your LMS, and then launch Perusall from the new course, which will create a corresponding course in Perusall that is linked to the new course in the LMS.
  2. Now, in Get Started > Step 1: Welcome, select Copy existing course, and choose the original course from the course to copy dropdown to copy over your documents and assignments to the new course. Once you've decided which content and assignments you would like to use, scroll down to:
    • Adjust all deadlines (you can also manually update deadlines once in the course).
    • Copy instructor comments from old course to new course: this will only copy comments that start a thread in your conversations (i.e. any instructor prompts that are written in the content). Student comments will not be copied. 
    • Copy rubrics to copy all rubrics from the original course, located under Settings > Scoring > Rubrics. If you don't choose this option, only rubrics from the copied assignments will be imported.
    • Copy scoring templates to copy all scoring templates from the original course, located under Settings > Scoring > Scoring Templates. If you don't choose this option, only scoring templates from the copied assignments will be imported.
    • Copy course settings: this will overwrite all settings in the destination course. Click this to keep your same settings from the old course. 
  3. Click Continue to finalize the copy process.
  • If you'd like to copy over other materials after the Get started process, you can do so by navigating to the Library tab on the course home page and select Add Content > Material from another course.


Are you working with "parent-child" courses in your LMS? Learn more about how to use Perusall with LMS "parent-child" courses.

Copying a course to a standalone course

  1. If you are using Perusall standalone, click the Perusall logo to go back to My courses and then click Create Course > for students to access directly at  Fill out the initial details: Name, Institution, and Start Date.
  2. Proceed with the Get Started steps, and in Step 1: Welcome, select Copy Existing Course. (This process will create a copy of your old course, copying over documents and assignments but not the roster or student data.) 

    Once you've decided which content and assignments you would like to use, scroll down and select whether to:
    • Adjust all deadlines (you can also manually update deadlines once in the course).
    • Copy instructor comments from old course to new course: this will only copy comments that start a thread in your conversations (i.e. any instructor prompts that are written in the content). Student comments will not be copied. 
    • Copy rubrics to copy all rubrics from the original course, located under Settings > Scoring > Rubrics. If you don't choose this option, only rubrics from the copied assignments will be imported.
    • Copy scoring templates to copy all scoring templates from the original course, located under Settings > Scoring > Scoring Templates. If you don't choose this option, only scoring templates from the copied assignments will be imported.
    • Copy course settings: this will overwrite all settings in the destination course. Click this to keep your same settings from the old course. 
  3. Click Continue to proceed with the rest of course set up.  If you selected copy course settings, your copied settings will appear in Step 5: Basic Settings.
  4. Finish the Get Started set up, and you'll be ready to go!


If you created a standalone course and plan to integrate it with your Learning Management System (LMS), please refer to this helpful guide: How do I migrate a standalone course into my Learning Management System?


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