What are hashtags and how do they work?

  • Updated

Hashtags are a way for students to tag comments based on features that are of interest to them (or you). Like on a social network, a student adds a hashtag by typing the hash symbol (#) and then any word or phrase without spaces -- such as #ChainRule or #Alliteration.

Creating hashtags

Any student or instructor can create a hashtag simply by typing it into a comment that they post. Once a hashtag is created, typing # while entering a comment will show the user a dropdown of existing hashtags to choose from. Hashtags can be added to comments in documents or posts in group chats.

Using hashtags

Often, hashtags will be generated by students organically (and often just for fun!), but you may elect to use hashtags strategically as well. For example, you might ask students to comment on and tag instances they see of something in the text, such as:

  • a particular literary device
  • a particular mathematical proof technique
  • a particular type of historical evidence
  • a particular type of scientific experiment

Viewing comments tagged with a particular hashtag

The power of hashtags is that once created, you (or students) can view a stream of all comments that hashtag appears in. To see this stream, click the hashtag under the Hashtags list on the left navigation bar.

To view the comment in its original context, click on the arrow on the righthand side of the comment box (circled below).


Managing hashtags

While there is no need for instructors to explicitly manage hashtags, you can choose to hide a hashtag from the dropdown suggestions if you like. To do this, click on the hashtag under the Hashtags list on the left navigation bar, and then click Settings at the top.

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