Perusall offers instructors several analytics reports to review student engagement.
To view the analytics for a whole document, navigate to the Library tab > select a document> and click Analytics.
To view the analytics for a specific assignment, navigate to the Assignment tab > select an assignment > and click Analytics.
Below is a list of the reports Perusall offers are the:
- Comment submission time heat map
- Page view report
- Student activity report
- Grade Distribution Report
Comment submission time heat map
The Comment submission time heat map shares data about when, and at what time, comments were created on the document or assignment.
Page View Report
The Page view report shares data on what pages were viewed, and the average amount of time that was spent on a specific page. For example, it can help the instructor see if students are generally spending more time in one part of the reading than another, or if there is an area that page views drops off across the reading.
Student Activity Report
The Student activity report shows various statistics about each individual student's engagement:
- Viewing time shares the total amount of time the content was open.
- Active engagement time shares how much time the student was actively working in the content (such as creating comments, scrolling through the reading, taking notes).
- Total comments refers to the sum number of threads a student created and responses to peers threads.
- Threads are a student's initial comment that may or may not illicit responses.
- Responses are a student's comment written in reply to another students thread.
- Non-question upvotes given is when a student clicks the checkmark icon next to a peers comment.
- Question upvotes given is when a student clicks the question mark icon next to a peers comment.
- Non-question upvotes received is how many peers upvoted one of the student's comments
- Question upvotes given received is how many peers questioned one of the students comments
- Total word count is the sum of words the student wrote on all comments
- Average words per comment is average number of words a student wrote per comment created.
Grade Distribution Report
The Grade distribution report is only available under the assignment analytics. This graph shows the number of students on the y line and the score on the x line.
Because students can access a particular page of reading either through an assignment or by opening the whole book directly (through the course Library), the timed reading statistics are counted only when students access the assignment directly by opening the assignment in the Upcoming or Past Assignments panel. Reading that occurs when the student opens the full book or document through the course Library will not be counted here.
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