Collaboration among instructors and teaching assistants in Perusall enables teams to seamlessly share teaching resources, assignments, and course configurations.
Invite co-instructors
To give someone else full access to your course as an instructor:
- Navigate to Settings > Access > Instructors. Enter a list of email address(es) of the instructor(s) you want to invite to your course, separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces.
- Each instructor will receive an email invitation to join the course that they will need to accept.
- Once added, co-instructors will have the same permissions that you do to access and administer the course, including access to all student data, course materials, assignments, and student interactions.
Sharing course resources and assignments
To share your course content but not student data, you can share your course Copy code:
- Navigate to Settings > Access > Instructors > Copy code.
- Copy this code and provide to other instructors. For more guidance, see: How to copy and reuse courses on Perusall
- Instructors with this code will gain access to your documents, assignments, settings, and instructor comments, and no student data will transfer over.
Removing instructors
If you need to remove instructor access for a user, navigate to Settings > Access > Instructors, and click the red trash can icon beside their name/email to remove them.
If you would like to remove yourself from a course, you can navigate to Settings, and click Leave course.
In order to leave course, there must be more than one instructor added to the course.
Invite teaching assistants
To give someone else full access to your course as an teaching assistant:
- Navigate to Settings > Access > Teaching assistants. Enter a list of email address(es) of the instructor(s) you want to invite to your course, separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces.
- Each TA will receive an email invitation to join the course that they will need to accept.
- Once added, TA's will have the permissions you enable under Allow teaching assistants to...
Flexible teaching assistant permissions
The following settings indicate which course permissions your teaching assistant(s) should have:
Have visibility into comments across all groups
If checked, teaching assistants will have full visibility into comments across all groups. If unchecked, they will be assigned to a group and only able to see comments of other students and teaching assistants in their group. -
View the identities of students who have submitted and upvoted anonymous comments
If checked, teaching assistants in this course will be able to identify the author of comments posted anonymously. If unchecked, only instructors will have this visibility. -
View grades and analytics
If checked, teaching assistants will be able to view all grades and scores. (This automatically enables the above two settings). -
Assign and change grades
If checked, teaching assistants will be able to edit grades in Grade Assignment and the Gradebook.(This automatically enables the above three settings). -
View and manage the roster
If checked, teaching assistants will be able to view the full roster and manage enrollments. -
Edit the course
If checked, teaching assistants will be able to set up the course and change all course settings, including adding and editing assignments and content in the library. (This automatically enables the above 5 settings). -
Appear in Gradebook and Analytics reports
If checked, scores and statistics from teaching assistants will be displayed both within the Gradebook and within all Analytics reports. If you select this option, teaching assistants will be required to purchase any course materials you have adopted from the Perusall Catalog.
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