Perusall has no investors, no ads, and we never sell your data. Instead, the service is supported by our users, and we are committed to keeping the platform affordable for students. Many institutions choose to purchase institution-wide licenses, and many instructors choose to adopt books from the Perusall catalog; both of these support the continued development and improvement of the platform.
We also offer a Course Choice option to instructors at institutions without a license who choose to use only free materials in their courses (such as instructor-provided PDFs, EPUBs, web pages, videos, podcasts, and images) to require a platform fee for students to access their Perusall course. Alternatively, instructors or departments may purchase bulk access for students.
During course setup (Course Home > Get started > Step 4: Student cost), you will be prompted to choose a platform access fee:
Students won't have to purchase access until 14 days after the start of the course, and can purchase either online using a credit card or through your university bookstore (including as part of an inclusive or equitable access program).
Students that purchased access for another course in Perusall within the last 5 months won't be asked to pay again.
If you prefer to purchase access on behalf of your students, you or your department can purchase access codes in bulk from Perusall by contacting our operations team.
If you choose $0, you’ll see the screen below. We encourage you to take action on one or more of the items listed. Advocating for a license at your institution, adopting a book through our catalog, or simply spreading the word of your success with Perusall to your colleagues allow us to continue developing and improving the platform for you and your students.
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