Advocating for a Perusall license at your institution

  • Updated

Thank you for your interest in advocating for a Perusall license! With a formal agreement between your institution and Perusall, there are no student access fee requests in your course setup.

When an institution purchases a license with Perusall, the institution directly supports Perusall’s continued development and maintenance. Perusall and the institution sign an agreement describing how our service operates, the steps we take to ensure the safety of institutional data, and how we guard student privacy.

Instructors often assume that their institution has purchased a license when Perusall has been integrated into their Learning Management System, but this is often not the case—Perusall offers a complete LTI 1.3 integration to every institution at no charge.

The key decision-makers for a license at your institution may be the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center, the Director of Academic Technology, or the Director of Online Learning. We appreciate your support and encourage you to keep us informed of your activity at Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions about licenses or the license process.

See also:

Are institutional licenses available?

What is the cost of using Perusall if I am using only free materials?


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